Only theorizing here, so don't assume I'm fagging. But what if these traitorous actions being revealed about Milley(and his coordinating with Pelosi) is what will be the start of their collapse? Maybe it takes someone from the military to start them all throwing each under the bus,exposing each other in some attempt to save their own hides? It would sure lay the groundwork for a "suicide weekend" when so many would take the cowards way out rather than face trials and court martials.
I'm still digging through the drops looking for connections, but it isn't really that far fetched.
Are you saying you are OK with Milley, his Woke-ism, and his subversion of the Military Code of Justice?
And why not? Do you think if Milley gets thrown under the bus, that he will simply take it and cover for his masters? That scumbag will sing like a bird!
Milley will have to answer to a MILITARY Court. That’s when it starts. He starts talking, the military take over starts and arrests abound. Tribunals, heads will literally ROLL.
You confuse me with another! Just because Milley thinks he has some extra powers doesn't mean I think he does! Expand your thinking and try to understand what I was saying.
Just because you have a limited ability to see a bigger picture doesn't mean it doesn't exist. My theory would only "suck" to someone who doesn't want to see them taken down for their crimes, so obviously your just another shill,trying to kill the movement.
So in actuality, it YOU that sucks.
That is all!
We simply can't allow this kind of treason as has been described. Yes, necessary justice.
Amen! Public firing squads will loosen many tongues.
Can a military takeover be done against the will of the top military leaders? Like if the 5 stars were traitors but the 4 stars were patriots?
Yes. It is discussed in MajicEyesQnly's Law of War vids. Officers have a duty to refuse unlawful orders from higher-ups.