Why did I make this post?
The reason why I created this post was to debunk a common argument found both here on The Great Awakening, and in the Main Stream Media regarding elements and quantities of the unknown. I often hear the phrase " _____ is just a LARP," accompanied by the assumption that such a statement would warrant complete dismissal of a given subject matter or theory. This phrase is often used to shut down conversation, and as a mockery of a given subject. I have often rebutted this weak argument by merely pointing out the flaw and obvious juxtaposition of it being the same argument utilized by the Fake News Media. What became apparent to me is that there is no need to rebut such arguments when it comes to Q and other quantities of the unknown because Q really is in fact a LARP.
Allow me to explain.
Live Action Role Playing
Definition: a type of interactive role-playing game in which the participants portray characters through physical action, often in costume and with props.
Exhibit A
Q Post 174
Exhibit B:
Q Post 813:
While in Q post 174, Q does seem to infer that the Q operation is not a LARP, I believe the deeper meaning is more along the lines of Q being not just a LARP.
In Q post 813 Q states very clearly that we are watching a movie.
Definition: a story or event recorded by a camera as a set of moving images and shown in a theater or on television; a motion picture.
Let us examine for a moment the Venn Diagram that may be created upon comparison of Movies and LARPs.
What do both of these mediums of entertainment have in common?
Do not both Movies and LARPs rely upon a cast of characters, a central story or conflict, and an elaborate setting with accompanying props?
Can a Movie be created without first a modicum of LARPing?
How do you undo the brainwashing that has been perpetrated against the American citizenry? What medium is it that was responsible for this brainwashing? Would it not be pertinent to undo the mass brainwashing using the same methodology in which it was done in the first place?
"All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts."
Q is a LARP in the same way that Q is a MOVIE.
There are many actors and actresses in this LARP / MOVIE, including WE THE PEOPLE. We are actors along side those characters and personas portrayed by the White Hats and Black Hats. The audience of our role play are those who are still asleep in the Matrix and to whom we must still awaken from their slumber to join us on the stage. Many do not yet realize this important dynamic, and are still lingering under the delusion that the Great Awakening can occur sans citizen involvement.
Have you ever tried to unload your knowledge of Q upon an unwary slumbering citizen? Perhaps a family member, a friend, employee, employer, co-worker or random passerby? What might happen if you loaded them up with Q posts and sent them on their way? Would this help or hinder in their awakening? I am fairly certain that we can all agree that such methods would only hurt the movement, and lead to further divide between the citizenry. Those who are so deeply connected to the Matrix will violently defend their existence in that system against all who would attempt to shake their reality. So what does one do? How does one begin to wake a slumbering citizen?
Enter LARPing.
If we cannot or will not fully reveal our awakened state and all that it encompasses to the slumbering ones, then we are by definition LARPing. We are putting on a persona when we interact with those who still sleep. Every time we walk out our doors, down the street, into the restaurants, grocery stores, malls, shopping centers, or places of work we are LARPing.
As Agent Smith told Neo in The Matrix; We are living out two lives. We act as they do because we must while the Cabal's Matrix is still in place. This does not mean that we sleep, or that we stop offering red pills. When Morpheus met with Neo for the first time, he did so as a LARPer. Morpheus could not tell Neo the truth of his reality until Neo made the choice himself. The absolute truth would break many people. Even we who consider ourselves awake do not fully comprehend what it yet means to leave the Cabal's Matrix, as we are still a part of that system so long as it exists.
LARP != Fake
LARPing can be very effective.
I hope this post serves to lay to rest the ineffective and dull argument used in the dismissal of elements and quantities of the unknown. Anyone who uses this argument does not understand the very nature of the Q operation, or our role in the mass awakening of the people of America.
Pray that we may one day cease our LARPing, and enter the Post Awakened World
Until that day comes, however...
Godspeed, and happy LARPing! May you awaken many a sleeping citizen along your way!
About the Luciferian aspect, I'm puzzled with the new Minaj posts, as she is part of their group.
She may be in the process of breaking out, similar to Kanye.
Exactly. You too, Quelle. Intelligent commentary helps us all get through this horrorshow and helps us be more effective in waking others.
This is all so very brilliant. I hadn’t considered this perspective, that we can and should “role play” in order to plant red pills more effectively.
At very least, it certainly could make the act of existing among the normies much more tolerable, like we’re playing a game, throwing out nuggets that they can chew on, and then slowly leading them to the feast.
I think I have a renewed sense of purpose among my ultra brainwashed friends and family. But first, it’s going to require some heavy role playing to restore my credibility in their minds, since previously I was trying to redpill too hard too fast.
The downside: this probably means I have to pay more attention to the MSM, so I can know what the spinsters are spinning, in order to think like a normie.
Also a personal battle. Something must stir inside each individual for them to wake up. And what stirs each individual is unique
Yes. Same God different mission and role.
Someday we may find out whole events turned on the prayer of a single believer holed up in a prayer room. Or some grandmother praying. The mighty will not win this. The meek will.
Exactly, people don't like to have their reality fucked with. I had a mentor once who, when I parroted the axiom that perception is reality, corrected me and said that reality is reality and your perception shapes your understanding of it, right or wrong and it's completely subjective. The fact is that most people's perception is shaped by talking heads and "trusted sources." They rarely give much thought to the scripted, malevolent nature of what they're being fed because it's uncomfortable and difficult to believe.
Most people only think they think.
Definitely have to read the temperature