My loved one is pretty intent on getting vaccinated. I can’t change their mind. They won’t listen to me. They believe that because the vaccine is “FDA approved” it’s fucking safe now. This is a fucking nightmare. It’s driving me crazy. I don’t want to see them dead. I’m going to be the last one alive out of everyone I know and love because no one will listen to me, or God for that matter, and not get the death jab. God please help us all. God please help me most of all. I don’t know if I can take this anymore. I don’t want to lose them. I feel so powerless.
PS: thank you for everyone’s kind words. I got so many replies so I will try to respond to everyone accordingly. I just hope I can convince them before it’s too late.
I'm so sorry you are going through this! I hope you can get through to them. I will see if I can find some links for you, I don't think I've seen actual data that is corrupted with lies, but I have links to interviews with nurses that are coming out, and maybe some doctors. I will check, and post in a separate comment.
I wish everyday that my grandmother & mother were still here with us, but since all this c-19 shit started then with the vaxx ... I'm glad they aren't here. They both went pretty peacefully, but I know my sister (who got the jab & is totally brainwashed) would have convinced them to to get it, they would have died a painful death, so I'm glad they aren't here right now. And I guarantee my nephew got the jab too, I know my Aunt & Uncle took it, so I'm sure all my cousins and their families took it also. My father & step mother got the jab also. So I could possibly loose them all.
However .. I'm very lucky in the fact that my husband & all our grown kids & our grandkids won't be getting the vaxx. We have 3 kids (all grown), one is married with 2 kids, the other two are engaged and their fiance's won't be getting it either nor will my sons fiance's little ones. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayers! I do worry about the rest of my family, but my immediate family are safe. I'm not very close to my father, he only really started reaching out and talking to me since his "second set of kids" died (both from overdose of drugs). He doesn't even know his grandkids at all, he's seen them in person maybe twice in their lives. He and his wife are brainwashed, though the last convo I had with him I was really surprised he actually listened to me and didn't argue his points back. I told him I am totally shocked that his wife was a nurse and she still didn't research into the vaxx before you guys got it? WTH? I let him have it, and he didn't argue which for him is surprising, because he is Mister Know it All. He was just like Hmmm. Maybe he didn't feel like arguing about it (which again is a surprise) or maybe he's seeing things differently now. Who knows.