Our response did not “blow if off.” Our response was clear. Every comment and reply is unique.
Are your intentions truly genuine and how many hours have you spent to investigate and verify what has been shared about Racine?
One, Five, Ten, a Thousand? Or did you “blow it off”?
If you cannot see The Truth in the reply, how could you expect to find The Truth in a visit to Racine? Would the obelisks around City Hall’s roundabout tell you anything? Would the four-sided clock? Would Mound Cemetery? Would the Prairie School? Would Siena? Would Wingspread?
Would those who live in Racine collectively and openly admit it is the Root of the Agenda of Eternal Enslavement? Can you disprove anything shared about Racine? Can you verify instead? Why not?
Was Sustainable Racine a key model to forge Agenda 21 and 2030? Is their real Agenda global and eternal enslavement? Is Racine the model for Community Policing? Did Joe Biden personally intervene and help rig a Billion Dollar Referendum in the April primary to expand models of Community Health, Policing and Education in Racine? Did Zuckerberg and CTCL use Racine as the getaway to rig the election process for the November 2020 election?
Do you believe The Mark of the Beast is part of their Agenda?
Our response did not “blow if off.” Our response was clear. Every comment and reply is unique.
Are your intentions truly genuine and how many hours have you spent to investigate and verify what has been shared about Racine?
One, Five, Ten, a Thousand? Or did you “blow it off”?
If you cannot see The Truth in the reply, how could you expect to find The Truth in a visit to Racine? Would the obelisks around City Hall’s roundabout tell you anything? Would the four-sided clock? Would Mound Cemetery? Would the Prairie School? Would Siena? Would Wingspread?
Would those who live in Racine collectively and openly admit it is the Root of the Agenda of Eternal Enslavement? Can you disprove anything shared about Racine? Can you verify instead? Why not?
Was Sustainable Racine a key model to forge Agenda 21 and 2030? Is their real Agenda global and eternal enslavement? Is Racine the model for Community Policing? Did Joe Biden personally intervene and help rig a Billion Dollar Referendum in the April primary to expand models of Community Health, Policing and Education in Racine? Did Zuckerberg and CTCL use Racine as the getaway to rig the election process for the November 2020 election?
Do you believe The Mark of the Beast is part of their Agenda?
Repent and Share The Truth.
We are neither Mormon, nor affiliated with any “church”.
We do not lie.
We do not deceive.
Everything shared is The Truth whether you believe it or not.
The actual center of the the world is indeed in Wisconsin.
You are free to Repent by your own will.
The Truth about Racine has been shared since before Q was created.
Are you a preterist?
Who is "We" and "Our"?
Give us a 3 step plan on how to defeat Racine since we know it is the root and center of the world