posted ago by ThankGod ago by ThankGod +86 / -0

(Please keep your children safe with you and protect them at any cost)

Medical staffers can legally vaccinate school kids aged 12-15 without the consent of their parents, as long as the child agrees to the procedure, the British government has told schools in new coronavirus guidelines.

Unveiled on Wednesday, the new guidance from the UK’s Health Security Agency lays out rules and recommendations for a school-based vaccine drive for children between aged 12 to 15, which will see ‘School Age Immunisation Service’ (SAIS) teams go school-to-school to provide on-site vaccinations. It comes soon after the jabs were approved for the 12-15 age group earlier this week by UK health officials.

**if no consent from a parent has been received, but the child wants to be vaccinated and is judged to be Gillick competent by the healthcare professional, the child can still be vaccinated. **

The new guidelines effectively confirmed reports late last month that kids as young as 12 “would not need parental consent” to be vaccinated, though the guidance does stress that every effort would be made to inform parents and request their approval.
