16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
I don't believe that the Jab is the mark of the beast. I DO believe that is a test situation (as well as a depop agenda) for the mark.
I believe that the mark will be associated with a form of worship. You can accept the beast system by truly buying into the new religion (i.e. communism / great reset / green agenda - aka earthly concerns) - this type of buy-in is in your frontal cortex (i.e. forehead). Or, you can receive the mark in your hand by going along (without necessarily believing in the new religion - think atheist who is in the system) so that you can work (right hand) and survive. Either way will cause you to be damned and not "saved" because you KNOWINGLY enjoined with the system. I said knowingly because people will know that going along with the beast system will separate them from the one true God, and they will align with the worldly god - Lucifer/Satan/Bug... etc.
Yes. When you have Jesus, you need nothing else. Remember that, frens. I’m about to put my money where my mouth is, my employer just began the game of chicken and I won’t move.
And because you believe in Him he will send his mana to you and yours. God protect you and your family. Stay strong
I thought the book was named REVELATION?
It is not necessarily the jab that is the mark, but it is the Covid passport that sets the framework for the mark.
In essence a globally controlled authority system. Under which you must submit to; to work, to buy, or to sell.
The passport could turn into a QR tattoo or some other such identifier (rfid, microchips, etc) in a heartbeat.
Its only going to take one major global disaster to set the stage for full forced rollout and enforcement of such a system. Imagine billions or hundreds of millions disappearing in an instant, and the chaos that ensues. The catastrophic earth quakes. The disease. The tribulation will usher in demands for compliance that they are just now barely starting to hint at. (With the covid passport)
Like the war of the four horsemen described in Revelation 6?
The secret rapture is not Biblical. John Nelson Darby was a Theosophist.
I agree with everything else you stated.
Matthew 24:40
Matthew 24:40 is describing what happens at the second coming of Christ.
It's not proof of a secret rapture.
1 John 2:18-19
18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
The doctrine of dispensationalism was created to destroy the Protestant Reformation, and as all the members of the World Council of Churches have reconciled with Rome, we can deem that was a successful play by the enemy.
There are other supporting scriptures, but clearly you see yourself as the end all of interpretation.
So have a nice day.
Proverbs 27:17
Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
I've studied all of the different interpretations and also studied their origins.
Theosophist John Nelson Darby was more dangerous then Helena Petrona Blavatsky ever was.
My Bible clearly states Antichrist arrives on the scene before Christ returns. Please prove me wrong with the Word if I'm in error.
Never even heard of John Nelson Darby.
Who is to say the second coming is not the rapture. Why would the lord pluck them from the earth after his return and start of his reign?
The antichrist will be a man. He will grow into a man on earth. So he will be here for some time before the tribulation even starts. And the tribulation must happen before the lords return.
The lord will gather his elect at some point, this is clear.
Matthew 24:30-31&40, Daniel 12:1-2, 1 Corinthians 15:51-53, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, Luke 17:34-37, Mark 13:24-27
Only Matthew implies its after the start of the tribulation.
The lord has also assured those who keep his word will be spared what is to come. Revelation 3:10
also, i wonder if the antichrist is middle eastern.
i agree. it's not the mark. no one knows what technology, if any, the mark will use.
revelation talks about beheadings. what is the only religion that beheads...
Then there's the conspiracy theory about guillotines.
it's all interesting to talk about and discuss but one must keep their eyes focused on Jesus.
Post 2903. 21 days from 9/11, that ends on Oct 1. Red Oct?
I have always found it curious that those who have no problem accepting metaphors throughout the rest of the Bible, even in Revaltions (e.g. Revelation 6:1-8), somehow think the "mark" must correspond to a literal mark. Much more likely is the interpretation that "mark on your forehead" means what you think, and "mark on your right hand" means what you do.
Otherwise, I guess I don't have to worry until I see an actual pale horse with a guy sitting on it named Death who kills 25% of the planet one by one with an actual sword. That poor horse is going to get awfully tired...
Read the book of Enoch and Genesis will come alive.
I've always thought that was more properly maritime law as used by the Cabal. The internet itself is merely a tool. It is neither beast nor evil in and of itself, and it isn't primarily from the sea either. It is only tangentially related to the sea because it is impossible to communicate between continents without crossing water.
The maritime law they have created to enslave us however is a truly evil creation that speaks lies and blasphemies, has many lawyers and judges (heads and crowns) enforcing it, actually has a kind of existence all on its own and is entirely born of water and sewers.
Exactly this thoughts and actions. Looking at the world today seems most have already succumb to the beast.
The works that I do ye shall do also and greater works than these shall ye do because I go unto my father.
Is this a metaphors or literal? Thatbwill tell me all I need to know about your spirituality.
I tend to follow the axiom "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." That is literal.
Beyond that, 12 years of Catholic school, studying the complete life of Siddhartha Gautama, and even a smattering of Druid and paganism research have kind of shaped my outlook. Good, highly ethical and spiritual people are not limited to Western religions or a belief in a particular manifestation of God. And where all religions overlap, I figure that is a pretty good indicator of the true nature of spirituality. Nobody is a chosen people or occupies a preferred position just due to their culture or genetics. We all have to earn our way through this life, and hopefully in the end we come out better for the effort.
Personally, I like math. Nobody ever has a different opinion about 2+2=4 (unless you are operating on a Galois Field mod3 of course.)
I think you should read the bible more my friend, comparative religion is the wrong road.
Thats because Luciferians have had access to the bible just the same as us. They manipulate its words and give us false impressions. You are so right - the mark of the beast is your tongue and mind expressing full consent and acceptance of the beast. Those who have signed the evil contracts, those who knowingly accept the devils lies. Those who appose all that is good and pure and supplement with evil and wickedness.
My heart worries for those ignorant and following Satan without knowingly doing so. But, I know our God is the most Just ever. I need not worry myself with justice, because I know its coming.
Satan k ows the Wprd of God better than any believer on the planet.b
Roman's 15: things written afore time are for our learning. That we through patience and comfort of the scriptures may obtain hope.
I agree. I tend to think the invisible enemy tries to align with the bible in certain aspects. The Mark is more so from the choice to submit to the shot, the willful ignorance to ignore all warning and submit body and mind. This story is to be continued in the coming months.
I'll walk in the wilderness and let God provide for me before I get the mark.
We walk together, fren.
🙏🏻 Thank you Fren
Revelations isn't specific about what physical shape or form the mark will take, so we don't get to know in advance if it's a chip, or a tattoo, a gov crypto, or a vax passport or anything else we may suspect, but I don't think the physical form it takes is the important part anyway and not what we are supposed to focus on, instead we should focus on what it does so that we can recognize it. Revelations tells us what to look for by saying we can't buy or sell without it. And revelations is full of symbolism. The right hand and the forehead have very specific symbolic meanings in the bible. So if we are waiting for someone to literally and physically put a mark our right hand or forehead, we are probably going to miss the real thing when it happens.
The "right hand" is the hand of power and loyalty, if we give our right hand to the beast, it means we are granting power and giving our loyalty to the beast instead of God. The beast system (which i believe is the "mark") will be the system that forces us to be loyal or we won't be able to buy the things we need, or sell or keep a job. To be marked on the "forehead" means to be given protection, the beast will offer protection by allowing you to buy and sell as long as you have pledged your loyalty (by caving into the beast system). We have to choose to support the beast and the beast will try to force us by taking away everything until we cave in. I see this happening now with the vaccine mandates. I believe this is just the beginning of the beast system and it will get worse. If we participate in this scheme, we are giving power to the beast. Businesses requiring vax passports from their patrons or their employees are pledging their loyalty to the beast. The more we walk in this direction the more we walk away from God. If we give our right hands to the beast (loyalty and power), then we will not be at the right hand of God. If we give our forheads to the beast (gain the beast's protection) then we will not have the seal of God on our forheads and will not have God's protection. You have to choose between comfort in the beast's world, or comfort in heaven with God.
For the first time in human history, we see the rulers of the world coming together to oppress the people of earth all at once, to take away their God given freedoms if they don't pledge their obedience to the government through this system they are setting up. The form it's taking is a vaccine passport, which does "mark" the people, by putting them on a list of citizens able to buy and sell, basically to exist in society. The passport doesn't even guarantee that you can't get sick, because it's not about health, it's about loyalty, and obedience. It guarantees you can buy groceries, or keep your job. It's not about covid, it's about pledging your loyalty to the antichrist's one world government that is manifesting right now before our eyes. The vaccine itself is likely a type of self sacrifice, we don't even know all there is to know about it, but you are altering the body (temple) your creator gave you with this vaccine, and especially the new dna vaccines that are rolling out.
So I for one fully believe this is the mark of the beast rolling out right now. People are giving the beast power by allowing this tyranny to roll out world wide. They are pledging their loyalty to the beast by participating in this scheme, either by enforcing the mandates on others, or by obeying them so they can have their worldly life. They are being granted protection by the beast system (mark on forehead) by being able to walk freely in society unlike the unvaxxed. I find it interesting that the red-headed demon witch even said the exact words "we must protect the marked", that literally translates to mark on the forehead.
It's not the first time in human history this has happened. Satan is the God of this world and there is nothing new under the sun. In fact, the entire world less 8nsouls was wiped out in a flood it got so bad.
And God promised never to do it again with the rainbow. We are now instructed to watch for the signs of the end times, knowing and understanding the book of revelations is a good start.
God promised to do it with fire the next time.
When did Psaki say that? Huge redpill.
someone posted the video here yesterday
Cell phone is mark of the beast always in your hand or pushed to your head
Oooh, I still buy and sell. Even use my phone to do it.
You can't be forcefully injected with the Mark against your will. That doesn't mean the vaccine passport technology isn't intended to be ultimately used to enforce the Mark when it comes.