All protest should be in each individual state. We need to show there is states rights and if every state has protest ,
A) they canrt get us all in one place
B) not enough FBI agents to be sent to each state
C) and would be easier for most people tot attend.. it's easy to call out sick for a day to protest in Boston or Worcester instead of taking a few days off to drive to DC. And to be honest I have drove through 3-4 times and I hate it
Yes. Also as far as the uniparty goes our local governments are the seeming bottom of the power structure. Governor/ president these are there most heavily fortified positions and the ones they'll pull out all the stops Ala mass levels of fraud to defend. Think they'll do that for some bottomfeeder board member commie? The answer is No. This is why we need to go local hard, we will restore our republic from the bottom up.
All protest should be in each individual state. We need to show there is states rights and if every state has protest , A) they canrt get us all in one place B) not enough FBI agents to be sent to each state C) and would be easier for most people tot attend.. it's easy to call out sick for a day to protest in Boston or Worcester instead of taking a few days off to drive to DC. And to be honest I have drove through 3-4 times and I hate it
Yes. Also as far as the uniparty goes our local governments are the seeming bottom of the power structure. Governor/ president these are there most heavily fortified positions and the ones they'll pull out all the stops Ala mass levels of fraud to defend. Think they'll do that for some bottomfeeder board member commie? The answer is No. This is why we need to go local hard, we will restore our republic from the bottom up.