President Trump on the Patriots Persecuted for Jan. 6: "In the end, however, JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL!"
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Not at all.
But for you guys, this is more than a hobby. You believe that what you’re doing here is important, and that the time you spend reading Q stuff and deciphering evidence can actually give you some truth about reality. Progress is made because of what you understand that from what you research.
I don’t believe that Q can offer that to me, despite my four years hanging out with Q people, so it’s much harder for me to justify spending an enormous amount of time on Q stuff. Until it’s proven to me to be as important as it is to you, then I am not going to sacrifice nearly as much for Q.
If you and I had a beer together one day and you asked me how things were going, and then I started telling you about a story I’m writing and I bring out the screenplay and ask you to make notes and read it all and perhaps discuss it with me for the next couple of weeks, you’d be perfectly entitled to tell me to cool my jets. You might enjoy working with it from time to time, but it’s not nearly as important to you as it would be to me.
Does that make sense?