posted ago by Stray_Dog ago by Stray_Dog +47 / -0

Don't be afraid and be prepared to make a stand at some point. Our great state is infected so badly but I believe we have been controlled for a long time. I believe when the time is right, people will stand up and fight back.

I know it seems like most people are lost and with the rigged defeat of Elder it seems as though we are irredeemable but when people realize how horrible things truly are they will defect to our side. Welcome them with open arms, with love and be prepared to stand along side those who are willing to fight, stand strong and don't give up. I refuse to leave this state, I will advocate and struggle to restore this state to what it was before or die trying. I hope you all feel the same.

Hold the line and stand tall patriots. God bless you all, I love this community.