Alpha Draconians are a race of Draconians, in ufology, refer to sapient Reptilians whose survival is dependent as an Empire. They have also been known as the Cekahrr, also spelled Ciakar.
The Alpha Draconians predate Humans well over hundreds of millions of years. They are Draconians who were "seeded" here, by another mysterious and vastly superior reptilian race who are loosely identified as Tiamatians. They appeared into our reality from another universe, somewhere from what the Hindu Sanskrittexts refer to as Lokas and Talas. The points of entry into our known universe is suspected to be through a gateway at Thuban or Alwaid.
The propagation on Earth initially began with the seeding of dinosaurs. As sauria blooded dinosaurs evolved into Iguanodontia, dinosaur intelligence became more sapient. Eventually, they became upright and walked as bipedals, known as Saurians. As they became more sapient, they also developed telepathy. Over the course of millions of years their societies became highly advanced to the point that the Saurians developed a space program even more sophisticated than what we know to be as NASA.
The Saurians may have been aware of their history, and identified or perhaps longed to find the Alpha Draconian stargate that their progenitors came from. In time, these advanced saurians became known as the Cekahrr who developed what ufologists know today as, the Draconian Empire.
The Cekahrr are incredibly adept and considerably intelligent as a species. Their clairvoyant abilities are quite well known and it is believed all Alpha Draconians have a telepathic ability. It is also suspected some of the elites have a surprising skill to see across and likewise move to other planes.
It had been reported that contingents of Alpha Draconis elites had appeared in other planes as these appearances were relayed by those who had achieved multi-planar travel many thousands of generations earlier. It has become widely understood that the Alpha Draconian ability to move this way had preceded their subsequent removal from some other as yet unknown place to this system.
Though Alpha Draconian vocalizations are difficult to understand or make any sense of and consist of rolling atonal guttural growls and clicking noises, they are loud and harsh to human ears. It could take a significant amount of time to utter advanced concepts to primitives. It is believed that this is partially why their clairvoyant abilities are so well refined. The warrior caste that unflinchingly follow the elites’ orders rarely spoke, yet somehow could communicate with each other non-vocally. When the soldiers did speak, it was quite short and poignant.
Alpha Draconian society follows a more insect-like caste-based organization than true reptile social structure, though they appear definitively reptilian and soewhat bird-like in all outward aspects. They all exhibit a body armor of scales or plated hide, and in some cases, even feathering. These were apparently an evolutionary adaptation whose origins could only be guessed.
They varied in colors, size, and build dependent on their caste which could range from very large, dark black and brown with yellow or red striping for the elites, to somewhat shorter and stocky, dark red or orange and black striping for the soldiers. The non-elite and non-warrior castes were all smaller in stature and armor, and considerably weaker though still quite formidable in their own right. The lower castes consisted of scientists, engineers and the rest of their minor industrial society and these caste populations were similarly very small as well. Despite such differences, all empiric fleet movements contained predominantly individuals from the warrior castes and very small contingents of the lower castes dependent on mission requirements.
Though it is still currently unknown what the Cekahrr require to sustain them, it has been reported they physically thrive on intense fear they induce in their subjects to the point of requiring the youngest conquered subjects as foodstuff. There have been some reports that they prefer to feed on the young of Man as a delicacy. There are considerable documented reports of this somewhat macabre activity.
Draco Reptilians. Anunnaki. The folks who have been running the show for at least the last 6000 years.
William Tompkins Selected by Extraterrestrials Part 1 of 2 Project Camelot Kerry Cassidy 2016:
William Tompkins: Selected by Extraterrestrials (2/2) ◄ Project Camelot | Kerry Cassidy ◄ 2016-12-15
Alpha Draconian
Alpha Draconians are a race of Draconians, in ufology, refer to sapient Reptilians whose survival is dependent as an Empire. They have also been known as the Cekahrr, also spelled Ciakar.
The Alpha Draconians predate Humans well over hundreds of millions of years. They are Draconians who were "seeded" here, by another mysterious and vastly superior reptilian race who are loosely identified as Tiamatians. They appeared into our reality from another universe, somewhere from what the Hindu Sanskrittexts refer to as Lokas and Talas. The points of entry into our known universe is suspected to be through a gateway at Thuban or Alwaid.
The propagation on Earth initially began with the seeding of dinosaurs. As sauria blooded dinosaurs evolved into Iguanodontia, dinosaur intelligence became more sapient. Eventually, they became upright and walked as bipedals, known as Saurians. As they became more sapient, they also developed telepathy. Over the course of millions of years their societies became highly advanced to the point that the Saurians developed a space program even more sophisticated than what we know to be as NASA.
The Saurians may have been aware of their history, and identified or perhaps longed to find the Alpha Draconian stargate that their progenitors came from. In time, these advanced saurians became known as the Cekahrr who developed what ufologists know today as, the Draconian Empire.
The Cekahrr are incredibly adept and considerably intelligent as a species. Their clairvoyant abilities are quite well known and it is believed all Alpha Draconians have a telepathic ability. It is also suspected some of the elites have a surprising skill to see across and likewise move to other planes.
It had been reported that contingents of Alpha Draconis elites had appeared in other planes as these appearances were relayed by those who had achieved multi-planar travel many thousands of generations earlier. It has become widely understood that the Alpha Draconian ability to move this way had preceded their subsequent removal from some other as yet unknown place to this system.
Though Alpha Draconian vocalizations are difficult to understand or make any sense of and consist of rolling atonal guttural growls and clicking noises, they are loud and harsh to human ears. It could take a significant amount of time to utter advanced concepts to primitives. It is believed that this is partially why their clairvoyant abilities are so well refined. The warrior caste that unflinchingly follow the elites’ orders rarely spoke, yet somehow could communicate with each other non-vocally. When the soldiers did speak, it was quite short and poignant.
Alpha Draconian society follows a more insect-like caste-based organization than true reptile social structure, though they appear definitively reptilian and soewhat bird-like in all outward aspects. They all exhibit a body armor of scales or plated hide, and in some cases, even feathering. These were apparently an evolutionary adaptation whose origins could only be guessed.
They varied in colors, size, and build dependent on their caste which could range from very large, dark black and brown with yellow or red striping for the elites, to somewhat shorter and stocky, dark red or orange and black striping for the soldiers. The non-elite and non-warrior castes were all smaller in stature and armor, and considerably weaker though still quite formidable in their own right. The lower castes consisted of scientists, engineers and the rest of their minor industrial society and these caste populations were similarly very small as well. Despite such differences, all empiric fleet movements contained predominantly individuals from the warrior castes and very small contingents of the lower castes dependent on mission requirements.
Though it is still currently unknown what the Cekahrr require to sustain them, it has been reported they physically thrive on intense fear they induce in their subjects to the point of requiring the youngest conquered subjects as foodstuff. There have been some reports that they prefer to feed on the young of Man as a delicacy. There are considerable documented reports of this somewhat macabre activity.