Not minimally, either. i tried to map out the raw metrics last night.
I had no fucking clue Nikki was as influential as she is. Her Core Demographic is extremely important, too. Young Urban kids. En Masse. Seriously they think she has ~ 88,000,000 views a day on her socials. These are massive numbers - as in I would have to try pretty freaging hard to find another candidate that could accomplish more in a better demographic. I admit yesterday to disregarding the importance of her scenario as of late.
Now when I finally took the time to see what she was saying? Amazing. She wasn't throwing out Red Pills. She was White-Pilling.
Black-Pilling - basically gaslighting people that are on your side and demoralizing
White-Pilling - seeing that things simply DO NOT RECONCILE. This is the stage of "Well if that is true then there is no way this is real. it's the pre-red-pill
*Red-Pilling: Literally throwing literal epiphany-causing realizations of truth that prevents someone from ever looking back.
What Nikki was saying was "I said everything that they were OK with without knowing it. The second I even sort of asked "why" I got lambasted, and targetted BY OTHER BLACK WOMEN."
Now - she's ben taught that racism is real and constant and all. What she saw was HER PEOPLE come after her FIRST. That kicked it all off. Now she was able t listen to the other side - actually listen - and she's on her way to being set free and she is sharing this in real-time.
This is how it's done.
It's God's hand folks.
That's where they are desperate.
If you live through positive statements and truth and patience this shit grows it's own legs.
Who the fuck wants to be negative all the time? it's toxic.
Whitepilling is like when an Alcoholic sorts out that they're fucked up enough the only way forward is to surrender to God. That their addiction isn't logical and requires a spiritual remedy. They put their Hope & Trust in God right then and there.
Not minimally, either. i tried to map out the raw metrics last night.
I had no fucking clue Nikki was as influential as she is. Her Core Demographic is extremely important, too. Young Urban kids. En Masse. Seriously they think she has ~ 88,000,000 views a day on her socials. These are massive numbers - as in I would have to try pretty freaging hard to find another candidate that could accomplish more in a better demographic. I admit yesterday to disregarding the importance of her scenario as of late.
Now when I finally took the time to see what she was saying? Amazing. She wasn't throwing out Red Pills. She was White-Pilling.
Black-Pilling - basically gaslighting people that are on your side and demoralizing
White-Pilling - seeing that things simply DO NOT RECONCILE. This is the stage of "Well if that is true then there is no way this is real. it's the pre-red-pill
*Red-Pilling: Literally throwing literal epiphany-causing realizations of truth that prevents someone from ever looking back.
What Nikki was saying was "I said everything that they were OK with without knowing it. The second I even sort of asked "why" I got lambasted, and targetted BY OTHER BLACK WOMEN."
Now - she's ben taught that racism is real and constant and all. What she saw was HER PEOPLE come after her FIRST. That kicked it all off. Now she was able t listen to the other side - actually listen - and she's on her way to being set free and she is sharing this in real-time.
This is how it's done.
It's God's hand folks.
That's where they are desperate.
If you live through positive statements and truth and patience this shit grows it's own legs.
Who the fuck wants to be negative all the time? it's toxic.
The Authoritarians Teach No Joy
The white pill is hope ain't it? That good will ultimately prevail.
Whitepilling is like when an Alcoholic sorts out that they're fucked up enough the only way forward is to surrender to God. That their addiction isn't logical and requires a spiritual remedy. They put their Hope & Trust in God right then and there.