.. is not to misinform. It is to CONFUSE the enemy.
Some of the propaganda is intended for us.
Some of it is intended for our enemy.
Do not let your hopes rise and fall based on whatever is in the news and popular media.
Trust God.
Prepare yourself.
There is something to chemtrails. I watch Dane Wiggington and have cataloged days where I live and noticed a pattern of chemtrails being laid out within 24-48 hours of a rain or snow front rolling in. 100% accuracy. And I'm not talking about a contrails. I'm talking about those days they laid down trails that lingered until they spread across the sky in a haze. About the chemicals, in the atmosphere,, the soil, and water has been tested and these heavy metals are found in abundance. New note. I have noticed the chemtrails have stopped this last year in NW Arkansas
I have noticed this topic {chemtrails} seems to be the predominant slide/disinfo posted here lately. Before that the joke was aliens/project blue beam...
as to the heavy metals point, look at the history of leaded gas.
as to:
you are absolutely correct but confusing the cause with the effect.
Eyes Open, No Fear.