I will not be jabbed and nothing is going up my nose for a job. There are millions out there just like me.
Nurses leaving in droves will overwhelm the healthcare system. We all know this will be blamed on unvaxxed and Mu variant.
Border Patrol agents leaving in droves will cripple an already overwhelmed border situation.
By the way, those "migrants" are coming over at a rate of 200k per month and they bring all the diseases that exist in their countries. They need housing, education and perhaps more importantly, healthcare. This is at a time when housing prices are at all time highs, teachers are impossible to hire, and the capacity of the healthcare system is decreasing.
Our military leaving in droves leaves us more vulnerable to any type of attack.
Perhaps the scariest part is the workers who will leave in droves. The transportation sector alone will put more strain on an already tightrope-walking, just-in-time market.
This situation is deteriorating at an exponential rate.
We need to get organized in our communities. A little prayer never hurt either.
I think the idea is that to only way to stop a slow drip of communism is to drown us in it enough that we want to stay out of the water. Kind of like a parent making a kid smoke a whole pack of cigarettes after catching them smoke 1.
I think it goes both ways in regards to the state of the US.
There are actual bad things happening, and it is a serious concern during this war. But I bet half the bad things you hear aren't true and are easy to lie about or reverse, in order to subvert bidets false administration.
Enjoy the weekend!