This type of thinking is actually the root cause of leftism and seems to be a pandemic among the younger generations (I'm guessing you are under 40). This is poison. People aren't the borg, they are individuals and will have a wide variety of opinions and beliefs when it comes to all the different speculations and discussions on this platform, even if they agree on almost everything else. The issue is that there are naturally different perspectives and we should try to convince others through discussion and facts rather than censorship. You risk creating a damaging bubble of your own with this attitude.
This type of thinking is actually the root cause of leftism and seems to be a pandemic among the younger generations (I'm guessing you are under 40). This is poison. People aren't the borg, they are individuals and will have a wide variety of opinions and beliefs when it comes to all the different speculations and discussions on this platform, even if they agree on almost everything else. The issue is that there are naturally different perspectives and we should try to convince others through discussion and facts rather than censorship. You risk creating a damaging bubble of your own with this attitude.