Chris Cornell, Chester Benington and Robin Williams all "committed suicide".
Chris Cornell and Chester Benington were supposedly actively fighting against child trafficking and both of their songs lyrics infer they were child abuse victims or (at the least) aware of what was going on. They were communicating with us with so many songs/album releases when we were all oblivious to what the world actually looked like (save a few?) compared to what we now know to be absolutely true ie deepstate/unrestrained corruption for decades.
Robin Williams, I don't know much about his personal endeavours, but I seen an image of him next to Bill Gates' wife and their facial bone structure seems very similar and apparently Q said "what makes a good movie great" or something to that effect and I've understood that the consensus is 'good actors'
I've read that Paul Walker was murdered but that's all I remember. Does he look like anyone playing a part in the movie we're watching?
Who else has "died"? Do they look like anyone playing a role in the movie?
Though I'm not new to GAW, I am new to researching and if you have any tips to help me be better at researching, please speak up.
Cornell had some video tribute made for Syrian false flags.
Albums were all about alchemy, nazi occult black sun, sound “garden”
Paul Walker is interesting I read he was working on something with aids and heading to a meeting about it.
Also if you look at the Fast n Furious movies they start off as a movie based on a plot about criminals being used by the FBI/CIA to run and smuggle guns to generate “black money” for “black ops”
I remember reading that the sets for those movies had CIA and FBI always present insisting they be apart of the script writing, even inserting and injecting specific plots for seemingly no reason.