posted ago by Batoutofhellsing ago by Batoutofhellsing +36 / -1

AIRLINES OPEN TALKS ON BANNING VACCINATED FROM FLYING - 150,000 VACCINE DEATHS HIDDEN FROM PUBLIC They show that they cover up vaccine deaths removing them or changing them to non deaths, i confirmed that the ones he used in the video were indeed gone or altered. You can just enter the numbers on their website. Maybe we should start trying to screenshot and archive all of them so we can catch new changes or something.

But here is the timestap of the video saying they kill at least 2 for every life they save. That means they covered up many more deaths than we thought or they will have a delayed death Kenshiro style. omae wa mou shindeiru https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFph7-6t34M&t=15684s