Even forging a vux'd pass is giving credibility to their control. Do not comply. Do not comply. Do not comply. Do I need to say it again? Stop participating in their shit. This is the only way it ends. I know we are all surrounded by people that will comply, but lead by example. Be polite, but simply state my body, my choice. Nothing else matters. No need to explain this or that, it is simply your choice. This is the hill I'm willing, and if God decides I will die on.
Even forging a vux'd pass is giving credibility to their control. Do not comply. Do not comply. Do not comply. Do I need to say it again? Stop participating in their shit. This is the only way it ends. I know we are all surrounded by people that will comply, but lead by example. Be polite, but simply state my body, my choice. Nothing else matters. No need to explain this or that, it is simply your choice. This is the hill I'm willing, and if God decides I will die on.