Unless there is some kind of miracle and the entire world experiences a “Come to Jesus” moment, I am starting to feel like there has been too much damage done for people to be able to let it go and move forward.
There are so many of the left who have, for whatever reason, invested too much hate in this dog fight to be able to drop it and admit that they were wrong (even if they realize they were brain washed/lied to/tricked. On the other side, will we ever be able to fully forgive or trust these people again. Much like a marriage, if trust has been destroyed how often can it be recovered.
I hope and pray we can, but it will be very hard, and grudges sometimes last for generations. Is anyone else having these thoughts/fears as well?
It's going to be tough overcoming the damage that over 2 million illegals, a 100,000 afghanis and 1,000's of dangerous felons released into our society are going to inflict.