India has been discussed here recently, but there is now some new information.
- The largest state in India, Uttar Pradesh (241 million people), decided to use Ivermectin and Hydroxychlorquine. It now has the LOWEST rate of Covid in the country. It is now "free from Covid " (0 cases).
But did you know ...
- A different state in India, Kerala (33 million people), took a different approach. They decided to vaxx up, and they rejected Ivermectin. Two-thirds of the residents of Kerala have at least one dose of vaxx. The result? They now have the HIGHEST rate of Covid in the entire country. While they have just 3% of the country's population, they account for 65% of all the Covid cases in India.
Ivermectin/HCQ = Kill Covid
Vaxx = Get Covid
Any questions?
The only state I know of that a lot less about COViD than pretty much anywhere else is South Dakota. No lockdowns after the original two weeks, no mask mandates, no forced jabs, no closed businesses. That’s likely the best test area for figuring out actual COViD numbers. Just my two coppers…
I was actually referring to an Indian state because it would likely provide a population having more similarities with the other two. Ideally, the only variables free to change would be the treatment regimen. If we were practicing the elusive "science", this is the way the experiment would be designed.