Had the Fortune to get out recently. The Air Force gave a lot to me, and took just as much away. Let it be known not ALL IT guys are asleep... But almost every fricking one of them is. I've seen a LOT of smart or based people get out over the past decade to make room for narcissists and brown nosers, enlisted and officer alike. I'm just glad I had the mentors that I did early on, and I feel terrible for the soy boys taking up the mantle. They'll be useless or they'll go into shellshock before taking up defense of their country.
Had the Fortune to get out recently. The Air Force gave a lot to me, and took just as much away. Let it be known not ALL IT guys are asleep... But almost every fricking one of them is. I've seen a LOT of smart or based people get out over the past decade to make room for narcissists and brown nosers, enlisted and officer alike. I'm just glad I had the mentors that I did early on, and I feel terrible for the soy boys taking up the mantle. They'll be useless or they'll go into shellshock before taking up defense of their country.