The Pentagon claiming that two 6000 lb aircraft engines made of high-temperature materials 'burned up' in the fire, and yet they recovered some seats and some paper documents that proved that plane hit. Total BS.
They recovered some landing gear in an alleyway between two buildings after 911. Only problem was it wasn't the right part that matched the planes. They fucked up.
It serves no purpose for you to fight so hard to believe that planes hit any buildings on 911, since it is clearly horseshit.
Bullshit. The media was complicit in 911 by showing us CGI footage. That includes Fox News.
There are too many impossible things if aircraft had struck any buildings.
Just watch the video. No plane. Just and explosion.
Or the laughable Flight 93 crash site with no plane parts
The Pentagon claiming that two 6000 lb aircraft engines made of high-temperature materials 'burned up' in the fire, and yet they recovered some seats and some paper documents that proved that plane hit. Total BS.
They recovered some landing gear in an alleyway between two buildings after 911. Only problem was it wasn't the right part that matched the planes. They fucked up.
It serves no purpose for you to fight so hard to believe that planes hit any buildings on 911, since it is clearly horseshit.
yeah the pentagon was hit with a cruise missile, which is corroborated by surveillance video and witness testimony.