OfficalMcAfee is dropping Pictures & Identities
Comments (12)
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Yeah, I'm confused by most of the text drops. The images are weird enough, but the text stuff is super odd. Anyone have context to share?
Fake AND gay? Damn. Usually you only get one of those at a time. LOL!
Removing due to unverified telegram account. If I got this wrong just repost with reasoning. Cheers.
Seriously, can we stop posting these LARP telegram accounts?
Fucking light bright.
Slowly it will all be revealed.
What? All the stuff we've seen over the last 4 years?
Can't wait to see it.
... again.
These are mostly photos first presented to us by Q, and then autist digs from the Chans. They've been floating around for a a few yrs now. If you're relatively new to the show, like say, the last 3 1/2 yrs, chances are you may not have seen them yet. The photo from Epstain's island has been around for about 4 1/2 yrs now.
Of all the content that's been "released" by this account, there have been exactly three images that were new to me. In fact, one of them is in this set (bottom left).
I understand that what is old to me is new to others. These images need to be shared. They just don't need to be passed off as new, unreleased, or otherwise. I hope that clears things up on why I commented how I did.