One note to those who say info like this is old news - it's not old news to everyone, not even those who have been awakened for awhile. There's a tsunami of info out there and it's tough to keep up with all the legitimate revelations, so I don't mind reposts/re-reveals. There have been many times something has been new to me that others already knew.
If the Mcafee channel is claiming it's new, that's disingenuous and cause to doubt whoever/whatever is populating those posts.
One note to those who say info like this is old news - it's not old news to everyone, not even those who have been awakened for awhile. There's a tsunami of info out there and it's tough to keep up with all the legitimate revelations, so I don't mind reposts/re-reveals. There have been many times something has been new to me that others already knew.
If the Mcafee channel is claiming it's new, that's disingenuous and cause to doubt whoever/whatever is populating those posts.
Listen up dude
The argument “it’s not old to people who never heard it” is not a reason to fucking lie and say it’s new.
Please. Be logical.
Reread my post.
obviously i am responding with regards to OP, not your comment that I agree with
Ah, got it. Since it's a reply to my post, I thought it was to me. No problem.