Last night I dreamt I was at the dentists office and I had just gotten word that everybody in the country was required to report for a mandatory vaccination the next day...and also that we had to bring a sample of our own blood plasma for some reason. Then my dentist said everyone got a polio vaccination and they turned out alright. I told them Covid has a much lower mortality rate, and they just shrugged.
Fortunately that was a dream I could wake up from.
The fearmongers got into my dreams unfortunately.
Last night I dreamt I was at the dentists office and I had just gotten word that everybody in the country was required to report for a mandatory vaccination the next day...and also that we had to bring a sample of our own blood plasma for some reason. Then my dentist said everyone got a polio vaccination and they turned out alright. I told them Covid has a much lower mortality rate, and they just shrugged.
Fortunately that was a dream I could wake up from.
That's because polio measles mumps rubella are actually vacinnes
Fuck u need to take a break. I don't dream at all and sleep like a Baby.