I daydream about every patriot saving up and stocking up for a 3 month strike. If we decided to not participate in our economy for a quarter of the year we could really put a squeeze on those who wish to control us. We wouldn’t need threats and anger at that point. Wishful thinking, I know, but damn if I wouldn’t be thrilled.
I daydream about every patriot saving up and stocking up for a 3 month strike. If we decided to not participate in our economy for a quarter of the year we could really put a squeeze on those who wish to control us. We wouldn’t need threats and anger at that point. Wishful thinking, I know, but damn if I wouldn’t be thrilled.
Oddly, we may be forced to do just that. No job, no buying, no selling.
Possibly so. We owe it to ourselves to thrive in that situation should it present itself.