I was at January 6th and hate date fagging as much as the next guy. However, I stumbled across something I couldn't ignore.
I'm sharing my initial impressions. Much of this could be totally wrong. And there are many clues that I didn't know how to interpret. So take it with a grain (or handful) of salt and enjoy!
The enemy communicates publicly via News / Twitter using symbolism. We can learn to read their comms. This is the MAP and the largest declas in human history. We have more than we know. We have everything!
According to Q, "double meanings exist." (https://qalerts.net/?n=1952)
Also, remember what Q said (https://qalerts.net/?n=724):
Future news will highlight. Note: "The Hunt For" was dropped. Details Matter.
I believe RED OCTOBER refers to two things...
The first version of RED OCTOBER is the fictional NUCLEAR powered submarine from the Tom Clancy Novel called "Hunt for Red October. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_October_(fictional_submarine))
According to the Decoding Symbolism blog, nuclear weapons actually refer to nuclear comms. They aren't weapons of mass destruction, they are secrets. (https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/09/08/nuclaer-q/)
Q softly confirms this in https://qalerts.net/?n=852:
Why was "The HUNT For" removed? Expand your thinking. Not related to $ or trade. The MAP has EVERYTHING. News / Tweets unlock the MAP.
This is the key to the MAP (https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/01/30/comms-list-short-placeholders/).
Once we understand how to read, we can unlock THEIR MAP by reading THEIR COMMS via News / Tweets.
They have published all their plans publicly, so we simply need to learn to read and we can learn everything they will do.
Assuming this is true, we need to look at two Q posts...
This is what Q meant [with Hunt for Red October]: When the bad submarine commander launch a torpedo it comes back and sinks his own vessel.
In other words, Red October refers to nuclear information being used (or turned around on) the enemy and sinking their vessel. This isn't just about the Russia Hoax. This is about us learning their comms and turning EVERTHING against them.
Oh, and let me add that the Red October submarine is a Typhoon class submarine built by the Soviet Union. (https://en.wikipedia/org/wiki/Typhoon-class_submarine)
Typhoon = storm.
The Great October Socialist Revolution, also known as the Bolshevik Coup that happened on October 25th. This was the 2nd revolutionary change and one of the foundational blocks of the Russian Revolution. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/October_Revolution)
At first, I was worried when I read this. We've already had the first coup. October would signal the second coup by socialists, a military occupation to solidify seats of power.
But, let's think mirror first...
What if the Patriot's are flipping the script? We already know the Deep State considers the lawful, legal election results to be an actual coup against their invisible control. The first (Patriot) coup attempt already happened and was stifled by election fraud. What if the second (Patriot) coup attempt is about to happen?
Here are a few snippets https://qalerts.net/?n=666
Marriage for POWER, not LOVE. Hilton/Roth. Soros/Clinton.
I only mention this because you'll find the exact same mention in the Decoding Symbols blog on the Nuclear Comms page. Coincidence? Here's the rest...
News unlocks MAP. THINK MIRROR. Which team? THEY don't know. APACHE These people are EVIL. Still don't believe you are SHEEP to them? 20/20 coming. PUBLIC is VITAL. RELEASE of INFO VITAL. OUTRAGE. JUSTICE. Can we simply arrest the opposition w/o first exposing the TRUTH? FOLLOW THE LIGHT.
In other words, learning symbolism will reveal NUCLEAR COMMS in the news and unlock THEIR MAP. This flips their INFO MISSILES / REVOLUTION against them. THINK MIRROR. Symbolism will be their downfall. We have everything (20/20 vision). Now we just need to release it to the public to generate outrage and trigger justice.
Stay LOCAL (U.S.) GLOBAL = reflection of LOCAL. THINK MIRROR. Know your enemy. "Every battle is won before it's ever fought." Knowledge is POWER.
We have more than we knew. Now that we know their comms, we have everything. Knowledge is power. We already know the answers, so we just need to find the path to victory. Every battle is won before it's fought. Don't get distracted by chaos "out there." Focus on the battle at home.
Ok, so now that we are thinking mirror, let's go back to Red October.
What did they think was about to drop? Think DECLAS. If you know your opponents move(s)... RED OCTOBER
What is DECLAS?
Important to remember. Public 'Guide'_DECLAS
These, the crumbs, in time, will equate to the biggest drops ever disclosed in our history.
https://qalerts.net/?n=145 and https://qalerts.net/?n=146 are both duplicates. Coincidence?
Do you believe in coincidences? How many coincidences do you need before you believe? This is the biggest insider drop in the history of the world.
What if DECLAS isn't a specific set of documents. What if DECLAS is the key/legend to the enemies comms/map? What if we've had everything the entire time and simply didn't know it?
If this is true, then we should be able to piece things together relatively quickly. This can be done by learning symbolism and confirming against Q posts.
Waterfall of proofs coming (post DECLAS).
You have so much more than you know. SO MUCH! Future proves past. News unlocks map.
It also appears that we need to decode Iron Eagle as the last message before we enter the [kill box]. (https://qalerts.net/?n=680)
This is also a double meaning. (https://qalerts.net/?n=1952 & https://qalerts.net/?n=1953).
In Patel Patriot's devolution series part 11 he says Iron Eagles are colonels who will not become generals. Their rank is cast in iron (solidified). He says this is important because he believes it is the Iron Eagles who will ultimately carry out the military plans during devolution.
Seems to me we just had a recent example of this in the news with a certain Marine Corps Col. who was relieved of duty...
I thought of that as well. Qincidence?