- We are a nation that has been overrun by the DS Communist cabal (like many other nations).
- Trudeau cheated in this election (as he did in previous elections)
- ALL MSM in Canada is corrupt and evil. Truth is censored everywhere in Canada.
- Rural English speaking Canada voted overwhelmingly Conservative and against Trudeau. The good people in Canada hate Trudeau.
- Urban centers (high concentrations of LBGT and immigrants), Quebec (separatists that want a special deal for themselves) and most of the Maritimes (largely uneducated and unskilled) are the main sources of support for Trudeau and the Liberal Party.
- If you want to see the damage that uncontrolled immigration causes, Canada is a good case study. We have allowed unprecedented refugee asylum and chain immigration by Chinese, Muslims, Indians/Pakastanis and "people of color" from the Caribbean and elsewhere. This diversity has hijacked the Canada that I (and 4 other generations in my family) grew up in. The big Lie - "Diversity strengthens Us" is never more evident than when you see an election result like this. We have been a sanctuary country for decades and the price that we have paid is the loss of our wealth and freedoms.
- Trudeau has implemented gun restrictions and so we are largely an unarmed population. He is a loyal foot soldier to Soros and the DS.
- The gulags have been prepared and will soon house all those that resist the evil Communist agenda (open borders, facilitation of human trafficking, vax passports, loss of Charter Rights & Freedoms, promotion & indoctrination of LBGT values, prosecution of Christians, censorship and a controlled MSM).
To those that say Canadians are morons, I say that in the end God will judge all of humanity on Judgement Day. From the evil cabal member to the internet name-caller (and everyone in between). Everyone will be held accountable in the Eyes of God. He has only exempted those that have accepted His Son Jesus Christ from eternal damnation. So I would suggest turning to Jesus instead of name-calling. In fact, Jesus said to treat your neighbour as yourself (words to live by).
God bless.
Quebec also recognized Bernier as valuable alternative. Still, maybe he was compromised early on via his former «girlfriend» aka Julie Couillard aka «Miss Politicians», as she was the madam of a montreal brothel. The book she had written was said to be a commission by former Cons Harper to out Bernier, as soon as they broke. Sex trade and trafficking. Now, as a Quebec nationalist myself, I have been gaining patriot friends from around the world as well as back home in the ROC (rest of Canada). We should not the old language barrier divide us as the enemy is common. We do have a strong cultural identity because of our (mostly) french heritage, as other communities do across Canada. MSM has played its part in dividing the nation, because when we learn through our differences, we see how we have much alike.
Note: The Conservative Party is not Canada's friend, because they are the natural pingpong counter part of the globalist/multi-cultural masquarade, hence the Climate fear arguments for Agenda 2030, hence Harper binding Canada to the globalist plan, some years ago, C19 and pretty much anything else Rockefeller/C!A-infiltrated/Chinese Operated/Bankster-cancer infused organisations here. Take care, Fren, Your friench speaking brother-in-arm.
Totalement d'accord!