You're probably right... I just like to hope that some will change before then. Maybe they won't... it's probably why they're a cop in the first place. I'm convinced part of the hire criteria here is to find drone-like sociopaths and give them a gun. I used to work for a place that had direct access to the police and some government departments. Every time I had to visit the police headquarters or related department I noticed that most of the people that work there are fucking weird... like uncanny valley weird sort of shit. Almost, not human, or something.
They sound conflicted but I think the LEOs are starting to realize the breaking point is near.
At some point they have to say no because their orders will become more sinister over time if they continue to comply.
Yeah I suspect that "doing it for the paycheck" will stop for most of them once they're required to start shooting people.
Historically speaking they never stop with the paycheck excuse until their neck is quite literally on the line.
You're probably right... I just like to hope that some will change before then. Maybe they won't... it's probably why they're a cop in the first place. I'm convinced part of the hire criteria here is to find drone-like sociopaths and give them a gun. I used to work for a place that had direct access to the police and some government departments. Every time I had to visit the police headquarters or related department I noticed that most of the people that work there are fucking weird... like uncanny valley weird sort of shit. Almost, not human, or something.