Today in Q History, Sept 21, 2020.
These posts are meant to show us what happened on this date in Q History.
Discussion from Anons of that time would be great & anyone who had the foresight to save what are now deleted videos & links would be a tremendous help to new members looking for truth & answers.
I hope these help others who are trying to figure this all out. I hope this helps others break it down & offers insight for future generations regarding truth vs the corruption that centralized governments bring.
These are all found from>Menu>Quick Links>Deltas
The deltas link for today are:
1 Year Deltas
- B2 stealth bomber drops a bomb. u/#q4740
3 Year Deltas
What is this a pic of? Was it used for imagery of something happening at that time? u/#q2245
17 second delta. This may or may not be on purpose due to lag on different phones & carriers, but there are NO coincidences. u/#q2246
Delta meme with a centered title. u/#q2247
The post which made the image in 2249 u/#q2248
Bait the Five Eyes networks into sharing way more info that they had ever wanted to in an attempt to find & cover their tracks collectively? Just spit balling there. u/#q2249
I can't imagine that the Deep State didn't start to decide how much more they needed to cheat in order to beat the red wave in 2020 during this time/moment in history. As we have been told, they never expected so many of us to go vote, and that has been one of multiple ways we will prove fraud. u/#q2250
Being on The_Donald on reddit I always felt that I was a couple weeks ahead of the news. You Anons were offering insight there for all of us to learn. u/#q2251
The bottom Twitter link is broken. Anyone have the link archived somewhere? u/#q2252
If the memes I saw on here earlier this year about Bidan (the clown) being Obaba's 3rd term are based in truth, then this post has a whole new meaning than it would have at the time it was posted. If this is a multi year delta then bringing down the current White House & Exposing the full crimes of a shadow government controlling our leaders would be huge. Granted that is just a random thought in my own imaginative mind. I would love insight from Anons of that time. u/#q2253
Does this precipice & swamp fighting back relate to today, or at that time, or possibly both? u/#q2254
Seems the Dems/Deep State crossed a red line by giving out classified/secret info & got caught. u/#q2255
Q is a claimed threat & a supporter was not let into the rally. This makes it seem like "the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing" kind of thing. Claims made of potential issues & so initial intel forces security to treat this newish Q phenomenon as a potential threat. Also I got a weird error on Twitter. Archived here u/#q2256
I will need to review more to fully grasp 1=1, but I assume it is similar to "This is the same" type of activity/corruption. Still need to personally read these articles too. u/#q2257
I still need to read the news article personally. Though Schumer is posturing again. We called it peacocking in my youth & laughed when other guys overplayed, did it wrong, and one of my buddies or I ended up with the girl. u/#q2258
Panic by Rod Rosenstein calling LL frequently. If calling "Lovely Lisa" Page the FBI lawyer, it would be interesting to get that info at that time. u/#q2259
LL recorded calls with what I believe is Rod Rosenstein u/#q2260
Who is LL (there is a document somewhere on this board I don't have time to check) that should give insight & I can update later. My own random thought now, 'What if there are multiple houses (ie families/power structures) to bring down?' u/#q2261
Music is about to stop & a phone number that a reverse search shows is the Whitehouse Switchboard u/#q2262
Fake news turns on their masters. What were the stories that came out & what were Anons thinking at this time? u/#q2263
Looks like they were setting up a conspiracy even then possibly to keep the heat off. A wise man I once knew stated there were Native American tales about their fallen civilization that were not rooted in conspiracy theory, but conspiracy fact. Also (on a personal side note having read multiple religions books at one time or another) the book they reference calls them "Secret Combinations" to overthrow the government & were rooted in blood sacrafice in the conspiracy. If there is a post about the lovers Paige & Strok (spellcheck) messages about that, I will elaborate at that time with my own insight (fighting my own rabbit hole squirreling tendencies). u/#q2264
What happened here. Did Comey leak info on McCabe to get heat off of himself publically? What alliances were made? Did they not realize all digital info was stored by the NSA or possibly another program/data miner that was on devices given to them (spit balling on the latter with the claims made by McAfee before his claimed death)? u/#q2265
Destruction of the old guard screenshot as a reply to the previous image meme of Patriots are in Control. u/#q2266
/BO/ Anon is thanked for their service & it seems Q asked them get get a VOAT board set up. The posts & questions posed below were initial thoughts as I go backwards through the posts & offer first impressions. Also the idea that /BO/ could stand for board officer, but really I have no clue, just spit balling there & would love some insight/clarity from Anons of the day. u/#q2267
Q replies they will stand by ready to support /BO/. This /BO/ (Anon of the day?) Did they create Voat? Just tossing the idea out there & would love any insight original followers have. u/#q2268
When I first read /BO/ I wondered, "Why thank Barack Obama at this time, or am I misinterpreting /BO/?" So who was /BO/? Scrolling down from newest to oldest delta/post creates initial confusion. Voat is discussed. Seems they are the one who set up the VOAT board & claimed 2 BVs & themselves were in control of it. What is a BV? u/#q2269
Official home becomes voat 8Chan looks like it isn't the choice. u/#q2270
*Is here Voat or some other board? I assume Voat since it is referenced. u/#q2271
- voat is the Reddit replacement 5 times over. I saw a link here to archived voat stuff at once. Anyone have an archive link? u/#q2272
[LL] is Loretta Lynch.
The Twitter link for Q2253📁 Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein.
is archived here:
/BO/ is "Board Owner" so you were close.
And yes we were effectively transferred to Voat but I don't recall if that /BO/ actually set it up. Whoever did it eventually closed it down - possibly because he received threats.
I don't recall what BV stands for but maybe Baker/Bread something? Just guessing. Where did you find BV? Need to look it up in the glossary. Hmm, it's not in this glossary:
Not here, either:
Voat archive I'm not sure about but I found this in my archives:
It's my bedtime now (I'm in Greece). Bye!
Came here to say Loretta Lynch and Board Owner. Not sure about BV?
Another quality post u/Honestbobbin!
Good morning. Thanks to the Mod who pinned this!
Well that is frustrating. #2269 didn't show the quote/post that Q replied on that I see in
The original BO said they would have themselves & 2 BV help. Another Anon said it was Board Volunteer.
edit: mean to edit here 🤣 Also I needed to fix some of the "u/#q" code.
At some point I need to sit & do this from a laptop instead of from my phone LoL