oh yeah, i can agree with you there. i was just commenting on why it focused on the suffering rather than the resurrection. i might have missed your point, sorry about that. but i think the point of the movie was to emphasize the suffering to really hit your heart. But at the end of the day, it's still Hollywood. I think Hollywood shows a lot of violence, but not the accurate correlation of suffering that goes along with it. It desensitizes in a way. i know the movie moved a lot of people spiritually seeing the brutality, letting them see what He actually went through for us. and if it brings more people to Christ, then the movie did its job (or anyone's job, which is to serve and witness to Christ)
oh yeah, i can agree with you there. i was just commenting on why it focused on the suffering rather than the resurrection. i might have missed your point, sorry about that. but i think the point of the movie was to emphasize the suffering to really hit your heart. But at the end of the day, it's still Hollywood. I think Hollywood shows a lot of violence, but not the accurate correlation of suffering that goes along with it. It desensitizes in a way. i know the movie moved a lot of people spiritually seeing the brutality, letting them see what He actually went through for us. and if it brings more people to Christ, then the movie did its job (or anyone's job, which is to serve and witness to Christ)