posted ago by icecoldmax ago by icecoldmax +44 / -0

Article in Japanese - Translation below

Clusters in Hospitals: 24 of 25 Patients Have 'Breakthrough Infection' Gunma

September 22, 2021 10:07 PM

Gunma Prefecture has announced that a cluster of 25 people have been newly confirmed infected with a new coronavirus at a hospital in Isesaki City. Of these, 24 were confirmed to have been infected more than two weeks after receiving two doses of the vaccine, a so-called "breakthrough infection".

According to the prefectural government, a total of 25 people, including 17 hospitalized patients and 8 staff members, were found to be infected between the 20th and 22nd.

One of them had received only one vaccination, while the other 24 had received two vaccinations over two weeks ago.

No one has developed severe symptoms of the new coronavirus, but this is the first time in the prefecture that so many people have been found to have been infected with the so-called "breakthrough infection" at one time.

The cause of the disease is not known, and the prefecture is asking the national government to investigate.

According to the hospital, patients and staff who were confirmed to be infected have been transferred to other hospitals or placed on standby at home, and while hospitalization has been suspended, outpatient care is continuing.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)