New concerning results, Israel 2021 (Prof. Retsef Levi)
MDA Emergency calls:
25% increase in Cardiac arrests & Heart attacks (16-29).
83.6% increase in Heart attacks (Women 20-29).
According to the study, this increase was correlated with Mass vaccination. (See CONTEXT)
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔

Clean water chemist- no the virus won’t survive the process; biocides will easily kill it. however it is alive and well in waste waters. Several chemistry journal articles on coof virus in wastewater.
It comes out of your poop. Remember when we were all making fun of the “anal swabs for a respiratory virus”; well sho enough articles on how viral shedding is going on in your poop shoot and ..... waste waters.
If they can’t isolate the coof, like under a microscope, How can they find it in wastewater ?? Asking for a friend.