So, my client wears 3 masks, is double vaxxed, maybe triple, daughter is a millennial pharmacist and they jabbed the 94 year old grandma and have isloated her in her home for 18 months. Grandma is anemic now, blood in stool...actually this 94 year old was healthier than the daughter and granddaughter (pharmacist) because the younger ones are both on psych meds for anxiety and depression, but its definitely NOT the jab. Definitely. Why do we listen to mentally ill people? 90% of all psychologists couches are liberals. Literally mentally ill people are deciding all the policies now. Its gonna be hell on earth here soon.
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Yeah, but they did their best to seed a new crop of head cases started in elementary school with masks, social distancing and now the jab. They'll be the next group that populates Congress and similar mental institutions. Big pharma is making the poison, MSM spreads the lies, teachers indoctrinate and liberals mash it together into an insane brew that corrupts and corrodes everything it touches.
Well then parents better get on that. I have been teaching my kids the Bible, stoicism, logic, cause and effect, rational thinking, biases, fallacies, how to cook, how to clean, how to be responsible for years now. Recently I have been teaching them passive resistance, none of them wear masks at school even though they are "supposed" to. They simply do not comply.