Mask Mandate Mom Puts It All Out There
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maybe these young mothers should be at-home mothers and actually raising their own children instead of dumping them off into the indoctrination centers for 8 hours/day programming on how to be a good transgender activist! shame on these mothers who give up their babies for a paycheck! other than that... she is correct that these human scum that run school boards are completely evil and don't give a damn about your kids or what you say.
Wtf. You saying a woman should not work? Maybe she could be directed to perfectly good home schools in her area ran by wonderful Christians?? But you come out and Shame her for working?
If you can raise your own kids you should. That said it was absolutely on purpose that the American dream was reconstructed to make us all debt/double income slaves. The whole two income thing in retrospect absolutely looks like an invention of what we call the cabal. That said the nuclear family was also some kind of botched social experiment as well. We were likely supposed to have some kind of support structure that included communities and extended families to help us but I am sure we can all see how that was ruined too. Anyhow anyone that is fighting the school system is an ally. HellofWoman, I agree that we should probably stop shaming our allies.
I work. I also have my child homeschooled by a Christian woman starting this year. Am I in debt, no sir. Extended family believes in the jab, no go there. two incomes MEH. I’m self sufficient.