So, I was discussing my research in activities and clubs to join with my newly acquired free time due to retirement with one of my screaming liberal daughters today. She knows I’m a conservative Trump voter. She says to me, “don’t go joining any dangerous things” I asked “like what?’ She says, “you know Qanon, it’s a cult.” I said “First of all there is no such thing as Qanon, second of all Q is not a cult.” I imagine she’ll be featuring me in some liberal blog of how she’s trying to rescue me next…..
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I’ll come 100% clean, I use tik tok currently and it’s an amazing source of REAL news and redpills. Background; most of my life I was self employed and relied on myself and marketing to make money (social media big factor). I become so sick of everything especially when I started waking up that I quit everything and I took myself offline . Now I work in the shadows without using my real name and stay off social media as much as I can. With that being said, I got tik tok last year when finding some based videos, a year later I can tell you, apart from GA which I’m on non stop, tik tok is the 2nd best form of real and direct news+redpills. Once you start liking and commenting on certain video’s, the algorithm caters to you. Many times I see stuff on tik tok first before it surfaces in GA. For example all the Aussie protests vid’s going on right now I saw on there first before it came to GA. IMHO the “terms and conditions” aspect of not using these apps is almost pointless, they have all our data, texts,emails, calls, etc.. anyways. I do agree social media is the devil however. Believe me when I say I’m conflicted and if I were king I’d get rid of it all. But in this climate, you wouldn’t believe the amount of Q+based content circulating apps like these where people are awake AND waking up. Just my 2 cents fren
Agree 100%,Intrara!