This decision can have such long term ramifications. I don’t mean to sound harsh but this is going to affect me now and I am stunned she did this without even consulting me. She knows how strong I feel about this and we could have talked about this together.
I know why she got the vaccine and I know her hands were tied. She didn’t want to get it and I would have held her hand and went through all lawsuits possible to get justice.
I might not be able to have kids with her.
You most definitely do NOT want to have kids with her. Even if possible you have no idea how that would play out genetically
Vax Doomers are the worst. Family works in hospital, there are more fetal deaths than usual, but the majority deliver seemingly healthy babies as usual.
If your fiance don't want to fight the vax, and strongly disagree with you but still love you, then her behavior makes sense.
There are Anons and there are also Qtards, mass hallucinations can happen to both sides. They want us to submit, so there is no point in making the vax super deadly/sterile. No one will submit if the vaccine is obviously bad. So while they may still want to depopulate, they won't start out with a death shot. They want to first train us to accept yearly shots and accept deaths/sterility from adverse effects, like its common place and worth it, for a few years first before increasing the deadliness.
Don't get married so quickly though, this does show communication and trust issues.
More vaccine deaths in one year than in the last 30 years combined seems pretty deadly to me
And that's not even a drop in the bucket of the lives that will be drastically shortened by clotting, organ failure, and myriad other known and unknown direct and disqualifying side effects of this dangerous and ineffective vaccine.
the amount of vaccine given is also more than ever in the history of the world. 1billion doses today = 100 million doses every year for 10 years. Assuming the same vaccine, then in 1 year you would see 10x the deaths since you give 10x the doses.
The vax is still shit, just stop dooming.
When reports are saying only 2% of jab related deaths are being reported properly (fact, you would know this if you read this board more) then no, it is not dooming.
Yes, it is lethal and has high confidence of genetic mutation/damage/illness/reproductive harm. According to thousands of reports, again source the board. Several studies and/or reports this week alone from doctors and national agencies (I forget which....both?) report the jab is no longer recommended for pregnant women, and those wishing to become one IIRC, I could be wrong on that part.
Reproduction is of high importance for the OP.
There are trust issues with this situation as said by the OP.
You are correct, there is lots hinkey with the jab, including saline shots. Why on God's green earth would anyone want to gamble their future with all of that?
I love this site, but people here are dumb as shit about the vaccine risks.
The mandates are evil, unconstitutional, and the beginning of fascism.
The vaccines are stupid to get if you're healthy/young.
But if you're old/obese/have diabetes, it's a good gamble.
*My brother's friend got long-haul symptoms after having covid, and he's not able to breathe as well now. (was obese)
After ~160million people got vaccinated, having 10-20,000 dead isn't bad. (And these are sick people on the edge of death.)
We've had multiple mutations come into the US, and there hasn't been a mass die-off like the people predict would happen to the vaccinated.
*OP's wife will be fine. If he wants to turn the vaccine into a political issue instead of a personal risk-management choice, then he's a loser and she's better off without him.