This decision can have such long term ramifications. I don’t mean to sound harsh but this is going to affect me now and I am stunned she did this without even consulting me. She knows how strong I feel about this and we could have talked about this together.
I know why she got the vaccine and I know her hands were tied. She didn’t want to get it and I would have held her hand and went through all lawsuits possible to get justice.
I might not be able to have kids with her.
Not telling you is concerning, but do not sacrifice your whole relationship because of people’s comments. Talk to, try to rationally go through it. She may have felt more pressure to get it than you think.
Look we are a unique crowd here, and we can’t expect everyone, even loved ones to follow everything we tell them. I know we must sound crazy to them sometimes.
Don’t sacrifice your relationship because of online comments, talk to HER about it. Find out why she did.
My opinion of the vaccine is that it’s likely not harmful to most people, and this is all a slow play by the DS. They wanted to further divide us, identify the “others” like the Jews. They want us marked. I don’t think this vaccine is the kill shot.. it’s a setup for the future.
This is my personal opinion, and I wish you well. Communication is everything in successful marriages.
So in the future if there's something she feels "a lot of pressure" about, she should discuss that with others instead of her husband, eh?
Im here to say that a bunch of people leaping to conclusions when they know a fraction of the information could cause even more harm to him and to their relationship… have you ever considered what if he never did a good job explaining his viewpoint.. or there was some communication barrier we don’t know about that had influence.
Making a calculated decision requires all of the information… and the only one who has that is him. Don’t take life changing advice from people on the internet who don’t know your situation.
And yet, here you are, on the internet offering advice...not knowing any more than anyone else. May be time to heal thyself, physician.