This decision can have such long term ramifications. I don’t mean to sound harsh but this is going to affect me now and I am stunned she did this without even consulting me. She knows how strong I feel about this and we could have talked about this together.
I know why she got the vaccine and I know her hands were tied. She didn’t want to get it and I would have held her hand and went through all lawsuits possible to get justice.
I might not be able to have kids with her.
Your comment is pretty embarrassing.
Come back when you can articulate a well-reasoned argument, instead of resorting to generic platitudes.
Perhaps consider working on your reading comprehension skills before embarrassing yourself.
There was nothing to comprehend in your surface-level "argument"
You have to back up your arguments with facts, or you're wasting everyone's time
Not for a brainlet like you or the arrogant asshole that I originally responded to that insulted people for no reason.
If you're too mentally impaired to look up Israeli Covid graphs or not to defend assholes while making a fool of yourself I can't help you.
The argument was and remains: Israel proves that vaccination does not work, does not stop infections, does not stop hospitalizations, does not stop deaths. All of those metrics increased in Israel.
Sorry this is too difficult for you. Maybe if you ask nicely you could be held by your little hand next time.