How does the national Institute of Health continue to get away with lying profusely and continuing to say that ivermectin has no clinical trials as to its efficacy regarding covid 19 as prophylactic as well as early stage therapeutic, even late stage recovery numbers are mucb more promising. Some 90ish countries primarily use IVM as a front line treatment. One of the provinces in India that was previously very sick and leading the world in Cases is now covid free. Countries are stopping the vaccine and starting IVM. El salvador gives it free of charge as a prophylactic. Japan uses it as their #1 weapon. It looks like vax vears numbers are grossly underreported.
Anyway, how do they continue to get away with this, and what can we do? Ok, vax companies have immunity for their BS. But on the flip side, how do we get NIH to acknowledge that the numbers in these studies are even better than thair BS vax numbers. ISREAL IS NOT HELPING THE PHARMA INDUSTRY. 13 days of protection? I mean this shit is crazy. We need to go after the NIH and the CDC but how?
What is the endstate here? Even after we can take our eyes off the audits which is our duty.. how do we stop this vax madness and get IVM worldwide like it needs to be. Its not like money is an issue. Well it is, but on the wrong side. Its too cheap
The ceo of Pfizer is one of the most powerful people in the world. He is literally getting a chunk out of every dollar spent on the planet right now if you think about it. If you cant go places without the vax and you can't spend money without getting it. Then pharma is getting a chunk of every dollar spent on the planet.
Edit: thanks for sticky, I tried to fix typos: my phone has a small screen so I did the best I could. o7
It's actually pretty easy. Pfizer and big pharma funds NIH. NIH has connections with FDA and CDC. FDA and CDC are also funded by Pfizer and big pharma. The money is laundered through, testing, trials, data aggregation and other under the radar avenues that mere mortals know nothing about. So, what's good for big pharma is good for NIH, CDC, FDA, and other 3 letter agencies especially when the deep pocketed taxpayers pay for it all through the good offices of their elected officials who love to spend other peoples money, especially when a portion comes back to them in the form of campaign contributions and fungible remuneration that ends up in Swiss bank accounts.
People can't fathom billions of dollars, let alone hundreds of billions. So when the politicians start talking in terms of trillions it's so abstract as to go over peoples heads like billion dollar satellites. But it doesn't escape the myopic minds of the elite who pocket millions as if they were pennies you'd find on the sidewalk.. In the rarified air of DC, it's the only thing that matters. Not your health, not the mental development of your masked and socially distant second grader. It's money that greases the skids, motivates and activates. When these cretins smell those bricks of cash, it flips a switch in their heads that causes a disengagement between the English language and reality as common people know it.
Masks and vaccines like missiles and bombers were invented for the sole purpose of separating money from those who do things to earn it and the do nothings that spend their days and nights scheming how to get their hands on it. The means of how that's done is irrelevant. It's that it gets done that's important. They don't care if the shot you're being advised to get is sugar water or some chemical from drums rotting in a EPA brownfield somewhere. They don't care if women and children fleeing for their lives are vaporized by some high tech drone as long as a piece of the action ends in their bank accounts.
So when people are scratching their heads trying to figure out if the VAERS totals are accurate, if Covid patients really have the flu or a reaction to some polyethylene glycol derivative clinging to graphene oxide particles coursing through their veins the people who invented double speak are having a pleasant conversation with the attractive sales associate at the Maserati dealership. They don't care the price, just so it's delivered to the correct address in some tony sun drenched village you'll never find on the map let alone ever visit in your lifetime. They give a quick peck on the cheek as their jet is waiting to whisk them off.
While you're worried about your heath, your job, your kids, they're worried about the lack of good horse groomers these days. It's as simple as that.