Friends, long time commenter here, first time posting. Requesting help from all of you, been praying on this for the last hour and am looking for guidance on how to proceed.
My company (large manufacturer, >3000 employees) implemented a policy today stating that all employees must be vaccinated or subscribe to weekly testing. If the employee is not vaccinated and tests positive, they will be required to quarantine for 2 weeks WITHOUT PAY. Right now, we are hovering around 50% vaccinated, many of our plants have even lower numbers. They are stating they are implementing this policy based on CDC guidance.
I want to reply all (was a company wide email) and question and poke holes in the policy along with motivate fellow peers to STAND UP. How should I proceed with fighting this? Is crafting an email back to my management with all 3,000 employees copied a stupid move? Any information or legal resources I can use?
The fight has arrived at my doorstep, I'm asking for your prayers and support. Thank you all in advance, this community has kept me motivated and hopeful, for that I am always grateful.
Prepare documents and forms to be submitted along with your letter. Also seek legal advice because asking an employee to quarantine without pay for 2 weeks if they are unvaccinated is discriminatory.
This is great, thank you friend. These still apply since they did not single out the Pfizer vaccine, which is the only one supposedly “FDA Approved”.
No problem.
Make copies as well that you will be send off and deliver to them with certified mail so it is confirmed that they received the documents. You will have proof that these documents were delivered on that date.
Can you do the certified mail thing in Outlook?
No but certified mail isn't necessary if you intend to email documents. But it is an option to consider. Just in case if they end up "losing" your email when you send all the attached documents.
The FDA approved vax is not yet available here in the US. They are putting the old vax in its place fraudulently.