I just got off a long Zoom call with a bunch of people I'm in a club with. I live way out in the country and they all live near big cities. I never see them in person, only on Zoom calls. We never talk about politics, but I just always assumed they'd all be liberal normies, believed in the jab, etc.
It turns out the person leading the meeting has Covid right now. He was coughing a bit, but was able to make a two-hour presentation. Then towards the end, he said, "Thank God a friend from Texas sent me some ivermectin they got from their vet! It's been working great!"
That surprised me enough, but then, several others chimed in, saying how Ivermectin won a Nobel Prize for use on humans, and has wiped out covid in two states in India, and that the medical establishment is "making hospitals and docs give remdesivir which causes multiple organ failure and death - it's criminal what they're doing."
I about fell out of my chair. I thought these people would all have been following the jab crowd. What a shocker! There's probably way more people out there who are waking up to the truth - the tide is turning!
I love it when we accidentally find each other!