I don't understand all the grandiose and grandstanding. What is the significance of tomorrow? How will it change anything? Okay, they cheated. The list of treasonous, Criminal, evil things that is going on it's as thick as a New York telephone book. I guess I'm just old and dumb, but I'm wondering what it will take to propagate Justice in this country. I mean what tomorrow could be released that would be the golden ticket in the Wonka bar?
I don't understand all the grandiose and grandstanding. What is the significance of tomorrow? How will it change anything? Okay, they cheated. The list of treasonous, Criminal, evil things that is going on it's as thick as a New York telephone book. I guess I'm just old and dumb, but I'm wondering what it will take to propagate Justice in this country. I mean what tomorrow could be released that would be the golden ticket in the Wonka bar?
We hope its the first official undeniable proof of cheating that will kickstart the beginning of he end; the dominos fall.