Building 7 was what.... Half the size? A third? Im guessing from complete memory so I could be wrong. But if so it would be very hard to hit building 7 with a 747 diving in excess of its top speed. Although thay would have caused massive damage full or fuel. Like insane damage, it would have hit like 4 buildings or more? if 7 is the size Im thinking. Just food for thought
Wtc1, wtc2, pentagon, and what white house or capitol seems far more likely imho
Building 7 was what.... Half the size? A third? Im guessing from complete memory so I could be wrong. But if so it would be very hard to hit building 7 with a 747 diving in excess of its top speed. Although thay would have caused massive damage full or fuel. Like insane damage, it would have hit like 4 buildings or more? if 7 is the size Im thinking. Just food for thought
Wtc1, wtc2, pentagon, and what white house or capitol seems far more likely imho
I do believe it was a 767, at least that is what they said hit the towers. The point still stands, it is a big ass plane but the 747 is a monster