I watched it, and some things stuck out to me.
Heres the plot <spoiler alert>. John Cusack is a rich guy/philanthropist vaccine company owner who develops a vaccine that is programmed to sterilize the world's next 3 generations. This is done for some sanctimonious environmentalist notion that we're over populated, and approaching critical mass.
They get the entire world to beg for/demand the vaccine and get the FDA to skip normal clinical trials by engineering a pathogen that creates mass casualties and panic.
The story shows that they have been releasing pathogens for years in preparation for this latest one, and they have been responsible for many deaths as they prepared for this.
Sound familiar?
The whole show just struck me as odd. It almost looks like comms from a group that is required for some reason to telegraph their moves.
Hmm....... Sound familiar?
Funny how they always telegraph this stuff.
"Their symbolism will be their downfall."