10 Days. Darkness.
If a lot of our assumptions are accurate, and the DS shuts down the internet to prevent dissemination of whatever’s coming tomorrow…
And if Oct 2/3 is suicide weekend,
The 11th day (no more darkness) would be Monday, October 4.
10 days of darkness to prevent normies from being able to see what’s going on?
Will we wake up the morning of Oct 4 to a bright new world?
If that’s the case, o7 to all of my GA frens - I’ll see you on the flip side!
Might try to shut down parts and socials but the net won't go down, lots of people stay in contact with loved ones online and many rely on online for their diversions and entertainment.
The net going down would FORCE a shitload of people out to check on their loved ones as well as just to have something to do and even a little news in that situation would quickly spread and spiral out of control.
Someone else made a comment about the most sure-fire way to cause prison riots is to turn of the TV's(no entertainment, lets find something else to do....)
Would however NOT be surprised if all TV news, newspapers and socials went dark....