What about tennis shoes?
Definitely have encountered regional difference in what athletic shoes are called. Seem to be called “sneakers” on east coast while called “tennis shoes” out west.
I feel like "tennis shoes" are always some sorta thin low top your ankles are always coming out of abruptly. I have noticed regional differences too. Sorta like how some people say "water" or "wash". Language is strange.
I got it. Still say sneakers, too.
What about tennis shoes? Definitely have encountered regional difference in what athletic shoes are called. Seem to be called “sneakers” on east coast while called “tennis shoes” out west.
Yup. I say that, too. But I think that one's old and on its way out.
I feel like "tennis shoes" are always some sorta thin low top your ankles are always coming out of abruptly. I have noticed regional differences too. Sorta like how some people say "water" or "wash". Language is strange.