I’m more inclined to see Melbourne and the country generally as the Chinese flexing their muscle to the globalists because of the debt payments deadlines coming next week.......
We must remember that the current globalists are in an alliance with Chyna and others to achieve mutual goals.....
That alliance is coming under a lot of strain as the globalists try to hold off the financial crash that will shortly come by reacting to events.... this has significantly effected Chynas financial situation especially within their own borders.....
It’s amazing to watch this play out..... to see how desperate Chyna now are.... so desperate they are trading in all their ‘influences’ in Australia and the deep infiltration within the political arena including within governments federal and state....
I’m more inclined to see Melbourne and the country generally as the Chinese flexing their muscle to the globalists because of the debt payments deadlines coming next week.......
We must remember that the current globalists are in an alliance with Chyna and others to achieve mutual goals.....
That alliance is coming under a lot of strain as the globalists try to hold off the financial crash that will shortly come by reacting to events.... this has significantly effected Chynas financial situation especially within their own borders.....
It’s amazing to watch this play out..... to see how desperate Chyna now are.... so desperate they are trading in all their ‘influences’ in Australia and the deep infiltration within the political arena including within governments federal and state....