To think police in the US will somehow stand valiantly against tyranny and wave the American flag while they refuse to kick your door in to take your guns and search your home cause some leftist faggot gave the order, is absolutely comical.
That faggot Aussie cop laid out their mentality perfectly; "I can't do anything else, mate. This is what I get paid to do."
That piece of human feces was saying that to a guy who had already lost everything and was begging him to stand with them. I see no difference in mentality here.
They'll be the same here. You think these guys are gonna lose their income for us? Not in a million years. Most of them are already unable to do anything else even when young. To top it off when there is no other jobs due to economic destruction, they'll hold onto theirs for dear life.
Any time in history some horrific shit happened it was the same group of people who gave the order to the same group of people who carried it out and the reasons were the same as that Aussie faggot cop.
Your local Sheriff won't make you wear a mask? Well that's so nice of him. He'll be off the job when the time comes.
Don't invite any cop into your life in a private manner. And if you've already shown one your firearms cache, then God speed.
And before you decide to lay out the Constitution to me, make sure you look around and realize they don't give a fuck about it anyway.
I never wrote they were. I very specifically described the reality of the situation.