A fellow patriot here a couple days ago got my wheels turning regarding dead men voting, and asserted that the population may very well be less than publicly known. So I requested the WA state voter registration rolls out of curiosity and started looking through it and what do you know, I couldn't find half of my family, who are active registered voters. Anyway, kind of fun to look through.
Anon's original post
This is what we need MORE of honestly. Taking matter into our own hands and requesting/reviewing info ourselves. Be proud!
lol what if those 70% "depopulation" NWO photos that have been seen around are just accurate census data. Maybe the > 300 million population count is just padded with illegals, dead people, and other nefarious activities in order to facilitate voter fraud for the past 3 decades.
That's a mind-blowing thought experiment in itself. Just imagining all the competition to game the census numbers. Wonder where we'd be if congress had gotten away with sampling instead of actually performing the census according to law. I never thought about it, but the census is an important way to prevent a state from cheating to obtain disproportionate representation.
WA SOS is deep state.
Absolutely. Id say the entire legislature, and court shares that quality. Not to mention Gays In me (jay inslee)