I know you don't understand the news. You get your news directly from GEOTUS sources. I am speaking about the larger world. These are people not clued in to GAW or Parler or Gab or chans or kuns or Trump rallies. There are millions of these Americans. The AZ GOP has abdicated its chance to communicate a forceful case to the majority of Americans. Trump alone makes this forceful case.
If that sounds like a "child's" view, I will presume that things too hard for you to comprehend are things you consider childish. You should print out my comments and take them to a grownup. They will explain to you what I'm saying.
Regrettably, young lady, I must correct you. I do not "talk shit". The proper understanding of mainstream media and political intrigue is a nuanced affair. For many like you, it is wisest to let others pay attention to those matters and to simply focus on watching Trump rallies and reading friendly reporting sources. You will get more out of the material that allies give you, because it will come to you pre-digested and put into summary form that will be easier for an Anon woman, like yourself, to understand. If you are married your husband can explain these matters to you.
Arizona GOP leaked and released the audit at a time when it would be "buried" or ignored or not taken seriously by MSM and the two-hundred million Americans who watch and consume MSM. Trump rallies are largely watched by the faithful, so information that is emphasized there is not reflected in mainstream media coverage. The release of news that is meant to be ignored or minimized on a Friday is a long standing political trick. You may look this up and research for yourself.
Arizona GOP should have, as a whole body, been behind the audit. If they had released the info differently (different timeframe, for example) and had presented themselves as unified against the Big Steal they could have prevented the "Biden won by even more votes" headlines. But they didn't do that. That was a MISTAKE. It was WRONG of them to do.
I hope you can find someone to help you understand all the data I've put before you. God bless and good luck in your future research, anon.
You are retarded.
I know you don't understand the news. You get your news directly from GEOTUS sources. I am speaking about the larger world. These are people not clued in to GAW or Parler or Gab or chans or kuns or Trump rallies. There are millions of these Americans. The AZ GOP has abdicated its chance to communicate a forceful case to the majority of Americans. Trump alone makes this forceful case.
If that sounds like a "child's" view, I will presume that things too hard for you to comprehend are things you consider childish. You should print out my comments and take them to a grownup. They will explain to you what I'm saying.
Regrettably, young lady, I must correct you. I do not "talk shit". The proper understanding of mainstream media and political intrigue is a nuanced affair. For many like you, it is wisest to let others pay attention to those matters and to simply focus on watching Trump rallies and reading friendly reporting sources. You will get more out of the material that allies give you, because it will come to you pre-digested and put into summary form that will be easier for an Anon woman, like yourself, to understand. If you are married your husband can explain these matters to you.
Arizona GOP leaked and released the audit at a time when it would be "buried" or ignored or not taken seriously by MSM and the two-hundred million Americans who watch and consume MSM. Trump rallies are largely watched by the faithful, so information that is emphasized there is not reflected in mainstream media coverage. The release of news that is meant to be ignored or minimized on a Friday is a long standing political trick. You may look this up and research for yourself.
Arizona GOP should have, as a whole body, been behind the audit. If they had released the info differently (different timeframe, for example) and had presented themselves as unified against the Big Steal they could have prevented the "Biden won by even more votes" headlines. But they didn't do that. That was a MISTAKE. It was WRONG of them to do.
I hope you can find someone to help you understand all the data I've put before you. God bless and good luck in your future research, anon.